So Rudely
Interrupted: The Scientist Series
permits a new
appreciation of the humanity of scientists and yet compliments the luster of
their achievements.A set of twelve paintings,
the series portrays some of the more interesting ways in which being human has
affected specific scientists.
When we read about the accomplishments of the great scientists, we may think
of dedicated geniuses in white coats, working long hours in isolation from the
rest of the world. Unlike that image, science is the
product of people who are subject to the joys and tribulations common to all
humankind. Life impinges on the
labor of scientists, and their work reflects their characters and experiences.
The series depicts religious and
political persecution (Anaxagoras and Hypatia) and religious conservatism
we are given examples of the disastrous effects of ill health (Bacon and Curie)
and the rare beneficial disease (Wallace).
cursor over image to see explanation. Click image to see larger picture.